Welcome to Craig M. Greaves

Arrested for
Possession of Controlled Substance?

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and on weekends.


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Welcome to Craig M. Greaves

Arrested for Possession of Controlled Substances?

Possession of a controlled substance in Texas is considered a state jail felony for personal use amounts and can go up to a first degree felony depending on the amount of substance that is present. 

If you have been arrested for possession of controlled substance, you could face a wide range of penalties including fines and prison sentences. It is important that you hire an attorney who is knowledgeable and up to date on Texas search and seizure laws. It is not uncommon for police to make mistakes during drug searches or when obtaining and executing warrants, that can ultimately make the evidence they seize inadmissible.

You’ll want an attorney who is familiar with local programs offered to those who are struggling with substance use. Craig Greaves has on multiple occasions negotiated a dismissal of the charge for the client by having him/her enroll in classes and treatment programs.

Penalty Groups for Controlled Substances?

In Texas, controlled substances are classified into penalty groups based on their potential for abuse, as well as their harmfulness. These penalty groups, which are outlined in the Texas Controlled Substances Act, help the courts determine the penalties for offenses involving illegal controlled substances.

Penalty Group 1 is comprised of the drugs most likely to cause abuse and addiction that have no recognized medical use. Penalty Groups 1A, 2, 2A, 3, and 4 contain controlled substances and compounds that decrease in their dangerousness and probability of abuse. Controlled substances in the lower classes also have an increased recognition for medicinal purposes.

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8:00 AM to 5:00 PM*
Monday to Friday

Telephone calls are answered 24*7.
*After-hours & weekend appointments
available upon request

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