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Welcome to Craig M. Greaves

Arrested for Assault?

If you have been arrested for assault, it is unlikely that you were given to opportunity to give your side of the story. Craig Greaves has been representing those accused of assault for over 15 years, and takes it upon himself to ensure that his clients’ side of the story is well heard. Being accused of assault can have potentially harmful effects on you future, including jail time, steep fines, and a permanent criminal record. Even for those who are falsely accused, a mere accusation can threaten a person’s career and reputation.  It is crucial that you consult a skilled defense attorney as soon as you are accused, or even if you are anticipating an accusation.

Intoxication Assault?

The Texas legislature has determined that if someone drives while intoxicated and as a result of that intoxication has an accident that causes serious bodily injury, that person will be charged with intoxication assault. Serious bodily injury is defined as any injury that creates a substantial risk of death or that causes permanent disfigurement or protracted loss or impairment of any bodily member or organ. Intoxication is considered a 3rd degree felony, which carries a sentence of up to 10 years and a fine of up to $10,000.00.

Just because you have been charged with intoxication assault does not mean that you will be convicted of the charge. It’s imperative that you hire an experienced attorney to fight for you and to challenge the prosecutions evidence.

Sexual Assault?

Sexual assault is commonly know as “rape”, or “date rape”, which is defined as non-consensual sex, or engaging in a non-consensual sexual act with another person. In Texas, sexual assault is typically a second-degree felony, which carries a sentence of up to 20 years, a fine of up to $10,000.00, along with a lifetime registration as a sex offender.

Assault with a Deadly Weapon?

A person who uses or even displays a deadly weapon during the commission of an assault can be charged with assault with a deadly weapon. This is typically considered a second-degree felony, which carries a sentence of up to 20 years along with a fine of up to $10,000.00.

Assault with a deadly weapon can be charged as a first-degree felony if any of the following occurs:

-The offender causes serious bodily injury to another person through his/her use of a deadly weapon during the commission of assault.

-The offender committed the offense against a family member or significant other.

-The offender committed the offense against a public servant or security officer.

-The offender committed the offense against a witness in a criminal case.

Top Defense Lawyer in College Station


Office Hours
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM*
Monday to Friday

Telephone calls are answered 24*7.
*After-hours & weekend appointments
available upon request

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